Our investment process consists of
Goal Estimator

We help you to estimate the required investment amount through easy to use calculators

Risk Evaluator

We help you by providing complete list of MF schemes according to SEBI updated riskometer

Paperless Transaction

We help you in setting up instant transaction account at a recognized platform

One Click Portfolio Tracking

We provide platform where you can access your portfolio on a single click.

Do you have a reason to invest through us ?
Investing in SIP is simple & quick
Estimate your requirement, select scheme & start a SIP.
SIP Estimator

Use sliders to know the value of your Investment in MF Folios

Choose SIP Amount (`)
Expected ROI (%)
Investment Tenure (%)
Inflation (%)
Future Value of your investment
` {{ futurevalueindian }}
If you start investing ` {{ amountindian }} per month, It will become ` {{ futureValue2 }} over a time with the wealth gain of ` {{ wealthgainindian }}
Reason to invest with us

We use the API of India’s best and fast transaction platform which is duly
authorised for Mutual Fund transactions.

OTP verified transaction
Data password & encryption
Bank level security
Safe and secure
Changing the way you invest
Invest your money on the go
Experience the new way of investing through our Smart Featured App enabled with transaction capability. You can track the performance of your investments in real time and you will also get to know the daily change in your investments.
  • You can create your Free account.
  • You can transact online.
  • You can track your portfolio 24x7.
Download our App
Understanding Mutual Funds now get easier!
What is Mutual Fund?
Watch the videos to know the basics of mutual funds, how does mutual funds help you in your financial planning.
Why Mutual Funds is good than FDs
Watch the videos to know the facts of Mutual funds and how the way it is better than Bank FDs for money making .
How Mutual Fund helps to save tax
There are many Scheme in Mutual Fund by investing in them you can save hug amount of tax and increase your savings.
Our list of meritorious awards for outstanding service
Value Pick Advisors - Award of Excellence
Value Pick Advisors - Award of Excellence
Value Pick Advisors - Award of Excellence
Value Pick Advisors - Award of Excellence
Contact Info
We’ll help you to plan your next investment
Send us a message
Send your concern to us we’ll get back to you.
AMFI Registration No. : 317691
EUIN Holder Name : Jeevan Jyoti Management LLP
EUIN No. : E601915

We are a AMFI ( Association of Mutual Fund in India) registered MF Distributor vide ARN : 317691. We provide investment services to our clients, incidental to our primary activity. You can check the list of all mutual funds where we are acting as a distributor – fundlist.

We do not charge any advisory fees or transaction fees – directly or indirectly, because we earn commission from the funds which we distribute. You can check the commission disclosure sheet here at Commission Disclosure Although we take our best attempt to ensure the suitability of the product being sold to you, but the same may not always be in the best of your interest.